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Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance)

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Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) (B. Com (A&F):

About the Subject:

The BAF Degree of the University of Mumbai imparted at Navneet Education Society’s Navneet College of Commerce & Science is recognized as one of the best of its kind in India . The Students are not limited by traditional boundaries between academic disciplines but can choose from wide range of subjects . The roots of any professional qualification are laid at an undergraduate program

While being part of a degree program student obtains a wide perspective of the economy , changing work environment altering demographics and various career options that are available . Without a recognized degree , students are not qualified to register themselves for any specialized programs that would give them a competitive edge over others .

Also while being part of this program students can enrich themselves by developing effective communication skills and shape themselves as responsible citizens . In Degree College the students can select major and optional subjects.

According to Ordinance No. O. 5204 and Circular No. UG/395 of 2004, dated 7th September, 2004 of University of Mumbai the Eligibility Criteria for Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) (B. Com (A&F) is as follows:

  • A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) (B. Com (A&F) three-year degree course shall have passed XIIth Examination of the Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent in first attempt only.
  • OR
  • Must have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std. XII) examination with vocational subjects/minimum competency based vocational course conducted by the different Divisional Boards of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education in first attempt only.
  • OR
  • Must have passed an examination of another University OR body recognized as equivalent to Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std. XII) Examination in first attempt only.
  • OR
  • Must have passed Diploma in any Engineering Branches with two years OR three years’ duration after S.S.C (10th) conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent examination in first attempt only without any backlogs.
  • &
  • Every candidate admitted to the Degree course in the constituent/affiliated college/recognized institution, conducting the course, shall have to register himself/herself with the University.


  • F.Y.BAF Syllabus
  • S.Y.BAF Syllabus
  • T.Y.BAF Syllabus